Community Organizations
Temple Beth Ami- Potomac, Maryland - 2022
To celebrate their 50th Anniversary, the Temple wanted to create a mural for their "Keshet" room ( Rainbow room).
After designing the rainbow ribbons, I invited the whole congregation, children and adults, to participate in creating different elements - birds, butterflies, dragonflies, flowers, creatures, etc.) to enhance the whole mural

Peninsula Jewish Community Center – Foster City, California - 2017
I was invited to work with the Nursery School students, staff and parents at the PJCC and create a mural of my own as well.

Temple Beth Ami – Potomac, Maryland - 2017
The graduate Class of 4 and 5 years old, invited me to help them to create a legacy gift for the school. The children painted the cloth used for the letters and vines and then draw their own flowers and bugs to add to the mural at the Nursery School foyer.

Creating a Colorful Welcome | Holy Cross Hospital

Commissioned by Holy Cross Hospital, Creative Adventures teamed up with local high school students to create these gigantic murals in just one week to welcome visitors.